Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Morning Workout and Patience

Guess what? I ran! ...well, I walk/jogged this morning. I used my newly-rediscovered resolve to get my butt out of bed at 4:30 this morning (even though I was up briefly at 1:00 and again at 3:00). It felt amazing! I kept things pretty low key and did:

*0-5 min: warm up walk
*5-26 min: 1 minute walk/1 minute jog
*26-30: cool down walk

My back and knees felt good the whole way and I was moderately winded by the end of the jog interval - so I figured this would be a good starting point. I plan to try this same thing for a week, then increase the interval length to 90 seconds and see how that feels.

My workout put me in a good mood for the rest of the morning. I can't wait to start increasing the jogging intervals and eventually get back to full-on running. I'm going to try to remember to be patient with the process and remember that, after a year and a half with no running at all and about two years since any real distance running, it's going to take time. Also, I'm carrying around a lot more mass than the last time I ran, so my paces are going to be slower - and that's okay. I need to be gentle on my knees and back and not risk injury by pushing too hard. **Maybe putting this in writing will help me remember when I feel the need for speed 😉. We can only hope.

I am hoping to break out the jogging stroller this summer and make some tracks. I would really love it if running could become something that we do together - whether I'm pushing him in a stroller, or he's riding his bike next to me, and maybe someday running with me. If he decides running isn't his "jam" (or whatever the cool kids say when he gets to that age), that's cool. But I would love to provide an example of healthy activities for him.

Has anyone else come back from a long period of no running? What was your experience?

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